Tuesday, 22 November 2016

How to Use Onion Juice for Hair Growth?

Image result for picture someone using onion in the hairs
If you are worrying about receding hairline, bald patches, thinner hair or grayer hair, then you don’t need to worry about your hair. This article is about onion juice for hair that will help you a lot. No one wants to lose their hair, but it is a very common problem that many people have to face both men and women. It is a natural phenomena to lose hair, but most people lose their hair between....
50 to 100 hairs each day. Hair loss can affect your confidence levels and the appearance of a person. Hair problems occur due to several reasons such as stress, hormonal changes, some medications and use of hair products that contain chemicals. Don’t spend too much money on expensive products and treatments.
Sometimes the natural home remedy doesn’t sound good, but it has been a great treatment for hair problems without any side effects. One of the best home remedies is onion and onion juice that can help you to re-grow your hair. Onion or onion juice is high in sulphur. The sulphur mineral is one of the best building blocks of hair. Onion helps to improve blood circulation and provides the sufficient nourishment to the hair follicles. Onion helps with scalp infections that may lead to hair loss due to its anti-bacterial properties. It also contains the enzyme catalyze, which is an anti-oxidant that can prevent your hair from graying. There are many ways to use onion juice to get rid of hair problems.

1.) Plain Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Onion juice is anti-oxidant in nature that helps to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss naturally.
  • Take an onion and peel it.
  • Chop the onion into small pieces.
  • Extract the juice from the onion with the help of a blender or food processor.
  • Massage the onion juice into your scalp.
  • Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
  • Repeat it 2 times in a week to get rid of baldness and scalp.

2.) Honey and Onion Juice to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

Honey and onion both have antioxidant and nourishing properties that help to treat hair problems such as hair loss, baldness, dandruff and hair growth.

3.) Rum and Onion Juice to Treat Hair Loss Fast

Rum acts as a conditioner that helps to condition your hair and it is also good for strong hair.
Steps to Use Rum and Onion Juice For Hair:
  • Take one medium size onion and a glass of rum.
  • Extract the juice and the onion and add it into a glass of rum.
  • Apply this solution to your hair and scalp.
  • Then, wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Repeat the process once a week until you get the best results.

4.) Aloe Vera and Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Due to containing enzymes aloe vera promotes hair growth. It also has alkalizing properties that help to maintain the pH level of your scalp and hair to promote hair growth. A combination of both aloe vera and onion juice helps to reduce scalp redness, relieve scalp itching and redness. It also helps to add strength and luster to hair.
Steps to Use Aloe Vera and Onion Juice to Get healthy Hair Naturally:
  • Extract the juice from an aloe vera leaf and an onion.
  • Mix both the juices and apply it to your scalp.
  • Leave this juice for a few hours and then wash it with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the process 3 to 4 times a week to get healthy and strong hair.

5.) Hair Oil and Onion Juice to Reduce Hair Loss Naturally and Fast

Hair oil helps to reduce hair loss and will increase blood circulation to the hair follicles. It will also help to condition the scalp and enhance the strength of hair roots. It will reduce the feeling of stress and promote relaxation. You can use any oil with onion juice like olive oil, amla oil, castor oil, coconut and almond oil.
Steps to Use Hair Oil and Onion Juice:
  • Use any of the hair oil and mix it with onion juice.
  • Use this solution to massage your scalp with your fingertips.
  • Do this process at least once in a week.

6.) Beetroot and Onion Juice for Hair Loss

Beetroot and onion juice are one of the best remedies to treat hair problems fast and naturally. Beetroot juice contains calcium, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins B, phosphorus and potassium and these nutrients are necessary for healthy hair growth.

  • You can consume beet-root juice with your meal. Or you can add beetroot juice to 2 tbsp of onion juice.
  • You can also mix onion juice with lettuce juice, spinach juice, carrot juice and alfalfa juice to keep your hair healthy.
  • Apply this onion and beetroot paste to your hair and scalp.
  • Leave this paste for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash your hair.
  • Repeat this remedy many times a week.

7.) Coconut Milk and Onion Juice For Hair Growth Fast

Coconut milk is high in essential fats and protein that helps to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. Coconut milk provides quick results when it is applied to the hair.
Steps to Use Coconut Milk and Onion Juice for Hair:
  • Prepare a coconut milk by adding a freshly grated coconut to a bowl of water.
  • Let it simmer for five minutes and then strain this coconut solution.
  • Once it gets cool, add onion juice to this coconut milk.
  • Apply this milk solution onto your scalp and into your hair.
  • Leave this for 20 minutes and then shampoo your hair.
  • Follow this process 3 times in a week to get healthy and strong hair.

8.) Indian Gooseberry and Onion Juice to Get Healthy Hair Fast

Using Indian gooseberry and onion juice is one of the best home remedies to treat hair problems naturally. Indian gooseberry is also known as amla. It is rich in vitamin C and due to the deficiency of vitamin C can cause hair loss. Due to the many nutritional properties in amla such as exfoliating, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties it helps to maintain healthy scalp and hair growth.
Steps to Use Indian Gooseberry and Onion Juice for Hair:
  • Add 1 tbsp of Indian gooseberry pulp into 1 tbsp of lemon and onion juice.
  • Massage your scalp with this onion and amla solution properly.
  • Use a shower cap to cover your hair.
  • Keep it overnight and shampoo your hair in the morning.
  • Repeat this process in every week to get healthy and strong hair.

9.) Fenugreek and Onion Juice for Damaged Hair

Fenugreek is one of the effective home remedy in treating hair loss. It contains anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties that help to rebuild hair follicles and promotes hair growth. It also contains nicotinic acid and proteins that stimulate hair growth.
Steps to Use Fenugreek and Onion Juice for Hair:
  • Take one cup of fenugreek seeds and soak it in water overnight.
  • Prepare a paste by grinding them.
  • Then, add 2 tbsp of onion juice to this paste and apply this fenugreek paste to your hair.
  • Wear a shower cap to cover your head.
  • After 40 minutes, wash your hair.
  • Repeat this remedy in every morning for two months.

10.) Henna Leaves and Onion Juice to Get Thicker Hair Naturally

Applying henna with onion juice is one of the best natural remedies to get thicker hair. Henna leaves help to give a natural color to your hair and make your hair softer and thicker.
Steps to Use Henna Leaves and Onion Juice:
  • Take a handful of henna leaves and grind it to make a paste.
  • Now, add some onion juice to it.
  • Allow it to sit for 2 hours and then apply this henna to your hair.
  • Cover your hair with the helps of shower cap.
  • After a few hours, wash your hair properly and shampoo your hair.
  • Wear gloves and use hair brush to apply henna.
  • You can also add yogurt to this paste to get shiny and strong hair.

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