The fertile period of a woman is determined by analyzing her menstrual cycle with an ovulation calculator or fertility chart.
Normally, the cycle is a 28 day cycle.
During the 14th day after a period, the ovum is released. This process is called ovulation and the days 12 to 16 days after a period are said to be a womans most ......
fertile period.
fertile period.
Knowing When You Are Most Fertile:
Couples have certain methods by which they may estimate the fertile period of woman. They may try the following.
Calculation Using An ovulation Calendar
- The first day of a period is considered as day 1.
- Usually on day 14, the egg is released and is waiting for the sperm to fertilize it.
- The egg has a lifespan of just 12 to 24 hours whereas a sperm can last for about 72 hours in a woman.
- Sex on day 12 and day 16 is important as it is the time that the woman has the highest chances for pregnancy.
Measuring The Basal Temperature
- The temperature of a woman rises by 0.5 to 1.5 degrees during ovulation.
- A basal body temperature is recorded each day of a month for a certain period to determine when the womans most fertile period is.
Cervix Mucous Method
- The cervical mucous appears clear, stretchy and like egg white in consistency during ovulation. This is a clear sign that the woman is ovulating.
- There are days when the cervix is dry, days when the mucous is sticky and cloudy, but most favorable are days when it is wet, when the mucous is clear and stretchy.
Physical Examination Of The Cervix
- Some couples examine the cervix physically, as the cervix appears to be open during ovulation and closed at other times.
Urine And Saliva Ovulation Predictor Kits
- The kits analyze the urine and saliva and give a hint as to the fertile period of the woman. Some people rely on the urine test, whereas some prefer the saliva test.
Physical Signs
- Certain women have a dull ache in the lower abdomen during ovulation which may last just a few seconds to a few hours. This may be an excellent clue to determining the womans most fertile period. Some women have spotting during ovulation, making it easier to know when the fertile period of the woman is.
- When couples figure out the fertile period of the woman, they may go ahead with pre-pregnancy planning and increase the chances of conceiving when they want to. They use this method to not get pregnant during the planning stage.
- There are also factors that affect fertility such as obesity, health of the couple, the stress that they may have etc.
- In addition, age plays a role in determining the fertile period of the woman, older women are less fertile than younger women. Having an ideal body weight, staying away from teratogens, eating nutritious well balanced meals, adopting life style changes and making love during the fertile period of the woman will definitely increase your chances for a conception.
Ovulation Calculator
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