Wednesday, 9 December 2015

British scientists unlocked the secret to pain and how to end it!


If you are a masochist (someone who enjoys his own pain) or you prefer to hurt than feel nothing at all, then this medical breakthrough is not for you. But for the rest of us who would like an end to physical pain especially those unbearable menstrual cramps! (Sorry, heartbreaks not included. Lol) Stay put, read on and don’t forget to click the share button. Lulu Chang has more to say

Science has delivered once again. A team of British scientists has discovered the secret to human pain, which in turn has unlocked the recipe for ending it altogether — a classic case of working backwards to find the answer. “After a decade of rather disappointing drug trials, we now have confirmation that Nav1.7 really is a key element in human pain,” said Professor John Wood, senior author of the Nature paper detailing study results.


Wood and his team came to their conclusions by studying individuals with a rare genetic mutation that makes it impossible for them to feel pain. In 2006, previous studies revealed that Nav1.7, a sodium channel present in normal humans, is paramount in the pain signaling process. Individuals with nonfunctioning Nav1.7 live a physically painless life. But Wood went a step further, and discovered that both people and the test mice used in his research produced more natural opioid peptides than normal. And opioid peptides, Wood says, are the missing link in painlessness.
“The secret ingredient turned out to be good old-fashioned opioid peptides, and we have now filed a patent for combining low dose opioids with Nav1.7 blockers,” Wood said “This should replicate the painlessness experienced by people with rare mutations, and we have already successfully tested this approach in unmodified mice.”

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