Monday, 14 December 2015

Okra Health Benefits: All Amazing About Okra

Okra Health Benefits: Nutrition Value

Okra is packed up with many vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients. Okra contains Vitamin A, B1, B3, B6, C, and K. Okra also gives you plenty of dietary fiber with folic acid, calcium, zinc, riboflavin, magnesium, manganese, Beta carotene, etc.

Okra Health Benefits: Food Value

There’re so many seasonal vegetables; okra is one of the best. Its tender fruit and leaves are appealing. But you may find it gummy and gelatinous when cooked. The sticky content of okra makes it a special vegetable for making soups. It can also be used as a soup thickener.  However, if you don’t like it you can still eat it. Just quick-fry some sliced okra with vegetable oil, onion, and salt. You can add some cornmeal with the recipe.

Amazing Okra Health Benefits – What Okra Offers To You

Healthy Pregnancy
Okra is an excellent promoter of a healthy pregnancy. As okra contains a significant amount of folate, it helps grow and maintain new cells. Folate is considered as an important natural compound for the pregnant women. The vitamins in okra prevent spinal bifida (a kind of birth defect) and help to ensure the baby’s growth.
An anti-diabetic
Okra has got many nutrients and natural fiber. The fiber in okra works amazing for the patient with high blood sugar. It effectively normalizes and slows down sugar absorption. Thus, it helps to control diabetes.
Promotes a healthy kidney
A 2005 medical study found that the people with regular consumption of okra are less likely to develop kidney disease. The study also found that, regular intake of okra helps to reduce the medical signs of kidney damage. Since the diabetic patients are at a greater risk of kidney diseases, okra can minimize it to a significant extent.
A great colon cleanser
Okra has a plenty of fiber and other nutrients that work as a great colon cleanser. The fiber in okra helps promote a healthy digestion and provides gastrointestinal system cleansing agent.
Helps prevent Asthma
A study has found that vitamin C in okra may help reduce wheezing symptoms in children and even in susceptible persons. The study concluded that the regular intake of okra could help with the respiratory issues like Asthma in both children and adults.
Promotes Glowing Skin
Okra contains a plenty of vitamin C. And vitamin C is a crucial compound for healthy skin. The vitamins with other nutrients in okra help repair the body tissues. Okra also helps to re-grow new tissues that are associated with the collagen formation. Keep plenty of okra in your daily meal to get plenty of vitamin C which gives you glowing skin.
Great for weight loss
Okra provides comparatively lower calories than standard calorie diet. It has been found that a little amount of okra can satiate the appetite giving you a low calorie diet that promotes weight loss.
Good for constipation
Okra holds plenty of fiber. Regular consumption of fiber rich foods promotes a healthy digestion. The fibers in okra help to absorb water and ensure a bulk stool. Besides, okra is lubricated when cooked. This sticky compound helps prevent constipation.

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